Songwriting jibberish. Figure out a bridge by the end.

Writing “Have a little faith”

IAMDDB same lyrics flashback

Freestyle song writing (haven’t played played guitar in a while)

App questions/suggestions 🙏🏼

Leif Vollebekk: Long Blue Light (late late night show YouTube) ... Ben Howard rookery .. much love been a while tuners

Hold your head above the dream
Only the lucid know the day, papa
(Time is only for the dying)
Papa let’s kill some time
There is no truth but in the dark
Where every secret gets undressed at last
Beyond the fleshy sub machines
Papa you’re rising up

Question about tim demo and thank u for share with us Tall.

Last day I saw Tim was How Many Lovers

Thank you Alex for helping me find the words with your latest post

🌬🌬🌬🍏gibberish lyrics / unfinished bridge.