Here it is :the definition of wokeness

Where the work goes to die.

…..and she put it on iTunes. The Uke is being held hostage

Ukelele being held hostage and box trolls.

And with that , the millennial folk revival scene is *officially* over

Here's yo howling at the moon and running in the woods naked. The new media/social standard is for the birds

It’s good to be on a social media app without the insane algorithms

Are we back?? Will humans use ai to destroy the world or will ai use humans to destroy the world?

Idea- ai is bad at poetry because most humans are bad at poetry

Rudolph’s laptop- how did male millennial hipsterism go so horribly wrong. Winston marshal aerial pink

GREAT POST - my Edward Sharpe-viewed response

Song of the year 2023
ASAP rocky DMB
Shapur- marg bar kolle nezam

Great to hear from you. Happy New Year!

I wanna hear your worst and funniest dating stories/ experiences

Needles in the haystack of humanity